When men visit Thailand, a unique phenomenon can occur. By the holiday's end, many find themselves in romantic relationships with bar girls or “happy massage” girls; that is women who are, for all intents and purposes, sex workers.
It's a unique situation because the same men would likely avoid or feel uncomfortable dating prostitutes in their home countries. Yet in Thailand, some go beyond simple “pay for play” and enter into romantic relationships.
Why does this happen, and why does it often end badly?
There are several factors at play, all of which stem from complex emotional needs, cultural misunderstandings, and idealized perceptions. Below, I'll explore some of the reasons why men fall in love with bar girls and massage girls, and the often harsh reality that follows.
Please note: My observations are not intended to demean sex workers or imply that they are in any way undeserving of loving relationships. Rather, I am exploring possible reasons as to how men's behaviors and attitudes can change significantly in this environment. Additionally, these observations do not apply to all men who engage with sex workers, as individual experiences and behaviors can vary widely.

Image courtesy of Passion, Soi 6.
Why Men Fall in Love With Bar Girls
1. Overwhelmed by Attention
One of the primary reasons men fall for women in the bar scene is the overwhelming attention they receive. Many of the men who visit Thailand may have been largely ignored by women in their home countries, leading them to feel invisible or undesirable.
In Thailand’s nightlife scene, men are suddenly showered with affection, admiration, and attention – even if it is not genuine.
The bar girls and massage girls know how to make men feel special. They flatter, smile, and act as though they’re genuinely interested, when in reality, their motives are transactional. For men who are not used to such attention, this experience can be intoxicating.
The line between genuine affection and paid service blurs, leaving men to believe they’ve found true connection in a country far from home.
2. The “Holiday Romance” Effect
Many men who travel to Thailand are in vacation mode, where they’re more relaxed, carefree, and open to new experiences. When you're on holiday, emotions can run high, and experiences can feel more intense.
The combination of exotic locations, warm weather, and a change in environment can create an atmosphere ripe for romantic feelings, even if the relationship is transactional at its core.
The setting amplifies the feeling of excitement and freedom. This temporary escape from the pressures of their everyday life can make men more prone to idealizing these relationships, feeling as though they've found something special in an environment that feels far removed from their normal reality.
3. Escapism and Fantasy
For some men, these relationships offer an escape from reality. Back home, they might be dealing with personal struggles such as low self-esteem, a lack of confidence, or relationship and financial problems.
Being in a foreign country with a woman who seems to be completely devoted to them—whether out of love or necessity—allows them to create a fantasy life that is disconnected from the challenges of their real life.
Thailand’s nightlife culture is designed to cater to these fantasies, with bar girls skilled in presenting an idealized version of themselves to make men feel special. Many men become emotionally invested in this fantasy, even when deep down they know it's unsustainable.
4. The Allure of Exoticism
For many men, there is a fascination with Thai women and the idea of being with someone from a different culture.
This exoticism often comes with a sense of novelty and excitement, and for men who have struggled to find meaningful connections at home, being with someone from a foreign culture may feel like a new opportunity to rewrite their romantic story.
The cultural differences, from the way Thai women interact with men to their physical appearance, can heighten the feeling of attraction and make the relationship feel unique and special, even though the underlying dynamics are similar to any transactional relationship elsewhere.
5. The “One-of-a-Kind” Delusion
Many men believe that their situation is different, that their relationship is genuine while others fall into the traps of scams or manipulation. Even when hearing stories of friends or other expats falling into the same patterns, they often think they are the exception. This mindset can cloud their judgment and prevent them from seeing the reality of their relationship.
This belief is often fed by the girl's behavior. She may say all the right things, showing just enough affection and interest to keep the man believing that he’s the one who has broken through the transactional facade and found “true” love.
6. Misunderstanding Thai Culture
Another contributing factor is the belief that prostitution in Thailand is somehow different or more culturally accepted than it is in their home countries. This misconception leads some men to think that bar girls and massage girls are not “real” prostitutes in the same sense as those in the West.
The transactional nature of these relationships may feel less stigmatized in Thailand, where the men believe the arrangement is part of the country’s culture and less exploitative.
However, this mindset blinds them to the reality that these relationships are still based on financial exchange, and the women involved often have ulterior motives. The man might think he’s entering a more authentic relationship because it feels culturally different, but at its core, the dynamic remains transactional.
7. Loneliness and Emotional Vulnerability
Many men come from situations where they are lonely, isolated, or emotionally vulnerable. Having someone who seems to care, even if it’s part of a business arrangement, feels better than being alone.
Human connection is a fundamental need, and for some men, the relationship they form with a bar girl or massage girl is the closest thing to love they’ve experienced in a long time.
Back home, some men might struggle with self-esteem or have difficulty forming connections with women. In Thailand, the dynamic is different – they’re no longer invisible, and the attention they receive can feel real. This illusion of love is a powerful remedy for loneliness, even if deep down they know it’s temporary and based on financial exchange.
8. Challenges in Finding “Traditional Women” in the West
It may be that some men find the women in their home country lack the desire for a traditional relationship, where gender roles are clearly defined. This can lead to frustration and a sense of disconnect, prompting men to seek relationships in environments where they feel their expectations and desires are more likely to be met.
The sex workers of Thailand, subservient and gracious in their working role, embody the femininity many Western men desire.
In Western countries, the move towards gender equality means that traditional roles are less emphasized, and relationships are often based on mutual support and shared responsibilities. In Eastern countries, the persistence of traditional roles can offer a sense of clarity and structure that some men might find appealing, especially if they feel disconnected from the more fluid roles in their home countries.
9. The White Knight Syndrome
Perhaps one of the most dangerous delusions that men fall into is the “White Knight” syndrome. Many men believe they are the one who can “save” these women from a life of prostitution.
They see the women as damsels in distress, waiting for a savior to rescue them from poverty, hardship, or a life of selling their bodies. In exchange for being saved, the woman will be eternally grateful and love him forever, or so he thinks.
In reality, many of these women have mastered the art of manipulation, telling their suitors heart-wrenching stories to evoke sympathy and financial assistance. Men often believe they are the exception, that their relationship is different from all the other tourist-and-bar-girl stories.
They send money back home, pay for family expenses, or help the woman open a business, thinking they are helping her out of the life of prostitution. Unfortunately, this rarely ends well. The woman may disappear once the money dries up, or the man discovers she has other “boyfriends” doing the same.
10. The Appeal of Economic Power
For some men, Thailand’s cost of living and the perceived financial “advantage” can be appealing. Men might feel that they can live a more comfortable life, support their partner, and still have money left over, whereas back home, such a lifestyle might be unaffordable. This financial advantage can sometimes make the transactional nature of the relationship seem less important or easier to ignore.
Men may also feel that they are “helping” by supporting someone financially, but they don’t realize that this support can quickly turn into a source of manipulation and endless financial demands.
For some men, especially those who feel powerless in their home country (whether in relationships or life in general), the dynamic in Thailand may make them feel more powerful and in control. Many bar girls are financially dependent on these men, and this dependence can make the men feel more valued and appreciated. They may enjoy the feeling of being the “provider,” something they might not have experienced before.
This sense of control and importance can make the relationship seem more genuine or fulfilling, even though it’s based on an imbalanced power structure that heavily favors the man.
12. Peer Pressure and Expat Culture
In many expat communities in Thailand, there’s a normalization of dating bar girls or massage girls. Men might see others doing it and feel that it’s an acceptable or even expected part of living in Thailand. The social environment can lead them to believe that this type of relationship is normal and potentially sustainable, despite the obvious risks.
The normalization of these relationships within certain expat circles may make it harder for men to see the red flags or recognize the patterns of manipulation, especially when so many around them seem to be doing the same.
The Pitfalls of a Transactional Start
The fundamental problem with these relationships is that they start on a transactional basis. The men are paying for affection, time, and intimacy from the very beginning. Even if the relationship evolves, the dynamic of money for love remains.
Over time, demands for financial assistance grow, and the men find themselves caught in a web of lies, manipulation, and deceit. They may be led to believe the woman is genuinely interested in them, but in reality, she’s financially dependent or simply looking for a way out of a tough situation.
The emotional investment from the man is genuine, but for the woman, it’s often tied to financial survival. Once the man realizes this, the relationship tends to crumble, leaving him hurt, confused, and disillusioned.
Reconsidering Society’s Harsh Judgment
It’s easy for society to cast judgment on men who fall in love with bar girls and massage girls in Thailand, often labeling them as “dirty old men” or “sex pests.” This judgment, however, can be overly simplistic and harsh.
While there are certainly some men who may engage in these relationships purely for physical satisfaction – driven by sex addiction or a transactional mindset – there's a large percentage of men who are likely motivated by loneliness, lack of confidence, and low self-esteem.
For many of these men, the reality is that they’ve spent much of their lives feeling overlooked by women in their home countries. Some may be recovering from a lengthy, unhappy marriage that ended in divorce, which can leave deep emotional scars. Others may have had little success forming genuine relationships, leading to feelings of isolation, inadequacy, and despair.
Being in Thailand, where they are suddenly showered with attention – even if transactional – can feel like a lifeline for their emotional well-being. The affection they receive, no matter how inauthentic, offers them a sense of validation they might have been deprived of for years.
The Need for Love and Physical Connection
Humans, and men in particular, are biologically driven to seek out companionship and love. This desire doesn't diminish with age. Many men, as they grow older, still long for the care, affection, and emotional connection of a woman.
Society tends to view older men who seek romantic or intimate relationships with skepticism, often seeing their desires as inappropriate or lecherous. Yet, why should a man be condemned for wanting the care and love of a woman, especially when loneliness can be so crushing?
Depriving men of meaningful interaction with women can have significant psychological consequences. A man who feels rejected or isolated from women may experience depression, low self-worth, and even social withdrawal.
Men, especially those who have never been married or who have experienced the breakdown of a marriage, may crave the connection that comes from female companionship. They are wired to desire women, and when that need goes unmet, it can lead to deep emotional struggles.
Filling an Emotional Void
In many cases, these men are not purely motivated by physical desire; they are seeking something far deeper. They long for connection, care, and a sense of belonging.
For some, these relationships provide a temporary escape from the emotional void they feel in their home countries. They might believe that in this foreign land, they can finally find the love and appreciation they have long sought.
It’s important to recognize that while these relationships may begin on a transactional basis, they often evolve into something more complex. Men may start to believe that they have genuinely connected with the woman, and in some cases, they are emotionally invested, hoping for a long-term relationship. To dismiss these men as merely “sex tourists” ignores the emotional needs they are trying to fulfill.
A Different Perspective
Ultimately, while there are certainly men who exploit the sex industry purely for physical gratification, it’s important to acknowledge that many are simply seeking companionship and emotional connection in a world where they have felt invisible or unwanted.
It’s easy to pass judgment on the surface, but the motivations behind these relationships are often more complex and rooted in deep-seated human needs for love and acceptance.
Instead of painting all men in these situations with the same broad brush, perhaps society should approach these relationships with a greater understanding of the emotional voids some men are trying to fill.
In Summary
The reasons men fall in love with bar girls and massage girls in Thailand are complex, driven by emotions, circumstances, and sometimes deep-seated needs that these relationships seem to fulfill.
Whether it’s loneliness, the allure of exoticism, or the overwhelming attention they receive, these men often become trapped in a web of fantasy, power dynamics, and manipulation. Without a clear understanding of the transactional nature of these relationships, the men may be setting themselves up for emotional and financial hardship.
It's important to approach these situations with a clear understanding of what’s really happening. Romanticizing or idealizing these relationships usually leads to disappointment.
The world of bar girls and massage girls in Thailand is built on a foundation of money, not genuine emotional connection, and understanding this can save men from emotional and financial hardship.
Got anything to add from your experience? Leave it in the comments section below.
More Tips for a Better Life in Thailand
Get Good Health Insurance:
Start with a quick quote here from Cigna. Then you can compare it to other companies.
Send Money to Thailand:
If you are sending money to your loved one, or your own Thai bank account, try Wise here. It is fast and cheap. Me and the majority of my readers are using it.
Improve Your Thai Skills:
Learning Thai makes life easier, and way more fun. I use Thaipod101. Get a free account by clicking here. It is really easy to use.
Last Updated on
Ken F says
As for bar girls, while its never a good idea to seek out a relationship with one I also personally know a number of bar girls who ended up very happily married to nice young western guys. In fact back in the day some girls would get into the business specifically in the hope of finding a nice guy they really liked to marry. I also used to know a lot of bar girls way back when who I considered to be good friends and who were very good people who actually would have made just as good a romantic partner as any other Thai women. Obviously this is not the norm however, particularly these days. By the way, some have mentioned that bar girls are more likely to speak English than normal Thai women and while this was certainly the case 30 years ago, today it is not nearly as hard to find regular Thai women who speak English as it used to be.
As for some men coming to Southeast Asia to find women who conform to more traditional gender roles in relationships this is very true. In fact, I’m sure some of these guys would be happy to just hop into a time machine and travel back to the 1950’s to find a wife. Not that there is anything wrong with this. Whatever floats your boat, I always say. There are also a lot of guys out there who tend to blame their problems with women on some perceived inherent flaws in Western women in general and so they will look for romantic relationships outside of their own culture. Its just a lot easier for some people to blame their environment for their problems than it is to look within themselves and realize that they are actually the source of their own problems.
In any case, one reality check that I always like to lay on western men visiting Southeast Asia for the first time is that if you do not have either the looks or the personality to land attractive young girls in your own country then you cannot realistically expect to do so in Thailand and not have it be partially or even primarily about money. But I also tell them that as long as they are aware of this fact and are willing to accept that trade off then there is nothing wrong with this. And lets face it, some of these relationship actually turn out to be very successful. That being said I have never been able to accept this trade off myself. I always have to know that the girl would stick with me even if she suddenly became an overnight millionaire.
Mar 07, 2025 at 6:16 pm
TheThailandLife says
Mar 07, 2025 at 10:03 pm
Sean says
Nov 10, 2024 at 8:58 am
TheThailandLife says
Nov 11, 2024 at 5:23 pm
Glen says
Mar 08, 2025 at 10:17 pm
TheThailandLife says
Mar 09, 2025 at 4:14 am
Glen says
meet a westerner because they have heard so many stories about western men with big retirement incomes falling in love with them and taking care of them, and their families, and buying cars and houses for everyone.
Mar 09, 2025 at 7:53 pm
Ken F says
Of course even if you find a girl who speaks English you will likely still have a lot of mind-numbingly bizarre and frustrating misunderstandings on your hands. A lot of these girls are just so insecure and emotionally immature (translation: bat-shit crazy) that they will often take the wrong meaning of something you said and get upset for no apparent reason. Now, anyone can occasionally take something the wrong way of course but usually when you explain that this is not at all what you were saying they will happily accept this fact and be in a good mood once again – or at least a sane person will. But with many Thai women even after you tell them that what they seem to think you said is not at all what you were saying they will still continue to be upset. And once they get triggered and descend into this highly irrational state its better just to stop talking and walk away because anything you say after this point no matter how tactful and diplomatic will just get her more and more upset. And she will just misinterpret more and more of what you say from this point on so there is no way to resolve it until a later time after she has come to her senses again. In these situations I am usually extremely patient at first but if it continues for more than a few minutes I will eventually get pissed off myself because its like the girl is either calling me a liar or she is implying that she knows English better than I do or knows what I am thinking better than I do myself.
Anyway, if you are a glutton for punishment and you want to put yourself through this kind of Hell on a regular basis then I’m sure you can find plenty of Thai women to date who speak English.
Mar 09, 2025 at 6:07 pm
Glen says
Mar 10, 2025 at 6:53 am
Glen Rose says
I like to believe I have emerged wiser from all my experiences with Thai women, but then again, I sometimes I wonder. what rabbit hole awaits me next that I will fall into.
Oct 26, 2024 at 10:32 pm
TheThailandLife says
Oct 29, 2024 at 5:41 pm
garth says
Oct 26, 2024 at 6:08 pm
TheThailandLife says
Oct 26, 2024 at 7:08 pm
Trevor says
From the Thai lady's perspective, some do wish to settle down in a stable monogamous relationship eventually. In that context, this motivation is the same as any prospective partner.
Oct 25, 2024 at 3:34 pm
TheThailandLife says
Oct 25, 2024 at 6:59 pm
Frank says
I am in the process of publishing a book on passport bros with one of it's four stories about a guy going into a relationship with a Thai freelance girl. For now only in dutch but an english translation is to follow when it is a little succesful. Can i perhaps interest you in cross mentioning your website and my book?
Oct 25, 2024 at 3:11 pm
TheThailandLife says
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:01 pm
Frank says
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:33 pm
Ken F says
Mar 07, 2025 at 6:25 pm
Stan says
You don’t mention that working as a bar girl is a terrible life that none would’ve dreamt of until financial stress left them few
choices. They start work at 7:00pm and finish around 4:00am after having sex with 2-3 strangers who’re often drunk and usually charmless and unsophisticated. Bar girls sleep most of the day and more or less get up and go to work again. They almost universally long to go back to their village one day and lead the life they had before their husband cruelly walked out on them contributing zero to their children’s upbringing.
It’s no wonder bar girls treat men, all men, as selfish transactional jerks. Bar girls are well aware that 95% of fat & balding 50yo+ farlangs with no style or good taste would get zero girls in their home country, much less a beautiful 30yo.
Harsh I know, but these farlangs arrive with a few bucks in their pocket and suddenly think they’re Christmas, rather than a walking ATM. Every Isaan woman I’ve shouted a lady drink and chatted with longs to return to their village. I’ve never met a single women who expressed a desire to meet and marry a fat bald farlang ATM, rather it’s a running joke when they tell a man they’ve known for 2 days that they want to get married.
Oct 25, 2024 at 1:37 pm
TheThailandLife says
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Ray Lopez says
An old saying, "you have to think with the big head"; as you navigate relationships in all their variety. Cheers, a USA subscriber.
Oct 25, 2024 at 11:53 am
TheThailandLife says
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:06 pm
Timothy Arnold says
Oct 25, 2024 at 9:21 am
TheThailandLife says
Oct 25, 2024 at 7:10 pm